Sanggar Lestari End of Year Christmas Party


2019 was an incredible year for Sanggar Lestari Melbourne!

Did you know that in 2019, Sanggar Lestari performed, modelled and workshopped at over 50 events? Some of which included school workshops, festivals, wedding reception performances, video shoots and university collaborative photoshoots! To celebrate such an incredible year, Sanggar Lestari planned their first end of year break up party. Partners, babies and friends of Lestari attended our lunch - the room was full of lestari love! Our Christmas party was opened by a lovely speech from our founder, Mama Ning, who brought special mention to our achievements over the past 3 decades in Melbourne.

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There are far too many of us to organise individual presents - so we organised a 'Bad Santa' exchange. Personalised 'Lestari' merchandise was definitely a crowd favourite!

It was a lovely afternoon for us all to reflect of the huge amounts of support that exists within our Lestari family. We all took time to reflect on our achievements in 2019 and thanked each other for our contributions to our performances.

We are so excited for 2020 with Sanggar Lestari. We cannot wait to see what the year ahead has in store for us!

Peace Lestari x

OuttingsDeena Kiswoyo