IACS/BSBI 2021 Progress


How fast has time flown! It has already been over 1 month since our Lestari ladies started the Indonesian Arts & Culture Scholarship program. With 1 month left of their virtual journey, now is the perfect time to catch you up on what they have been up to so far.


Makassar, Sulawesi with Yana & Asti

Lestari ladies Yana and Asti were assigned to study with Kazaki Art School in Makassar, Sulawesi where they learnt about the 3 worlds of Sulawesi mythology and week by week have been learning Tari 4 Etnis along with singing 4 songs, Angin Mammiri, Bulu Alunana Gemoe, Marendeng Marampa, Tengang-tengang Lompi to sing while dancing! Wow! We can’t wait to see this one!

For their craft assignment, they are required to learn to make their own Kipas (fan), as well as the Bando Makassar Crown from scratch! All of that while crying from mixed emotions each week from missing their hometowns, it’s honestly a lot to handle!


Banyuwangi, Java with Mira & Deena

Heading over to our Lestari Ladies, Mira and Deena who have been studying with Sanggar Langlang Buana in Banyuwangi. Both our ladies are quite versed in Javanese dancing, typically dancing feminine dances. So this class has been an interesting challenge for both of them who have been required to learn a masculine dance called Tari Gebyar Barong. The Barong dance in Banyuwangi is a different version to the one seen in Bali which usually requires 2 people to dance - One to hold its head, and the other holding its back. The Barong in Banyuwangi is smaller, and only requires one dancer.

Have you ever seen these two dance a masculine dance? Neither have we! We’re so excited to see this dance!

Apart from dancing, they have also been learning to sing a popular song in Banyuwangi called Gerajagan Banyuwangi, which focusses on the Osing language (Bahasa Osing) - the local language spoken in Banyuwangi. This coming week, the girls will also start their craft assignment which will be to make their accessories for Tari Gebyar Barong from scratch! Yup, that’s a whole lot of learning packed into their weekends over this past month.

Team Sanggar Langlang Buana

Featuring Mama Ning

What would class be without a little Mama Ning moment. Mama Ning managed to sneak into both our Makassar and Banyuwangi classes on 2 separate occasions to check in on her Lestari girls.

There’s never a dull moment when Mama Ning enters a room, whether it’s virtual or in person, she always manages to steal the show.

Mama Ning sneaking into our Banyuwan