IKAWIRIA Meet & Greet with Pak Kuncoro Waseso


After months of postponements, IKAWIRIA - one of Melbourne’s many Indonesian community groups, were finally able to hold their event to introduce Victoria’s new Indonesian Consul General, Pak Kuncoro Waseso and his lovely wife and son to the community.

Mama Ning, who happens to also be part of IKAWIRIA, was the incredible MC for the night. While we had the privilege of entertaining the guests by performing a Betawi dance called Tari Kembang Jakarta, followed by an array of line dances to get everybody on their feet and dancing. A true Lestari team effort!

You can watch our performance from that night below. Don't forget to also subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date with our latest videos!


Watch the performance here

Deena Kiswoyo