Photoshoot with Dani & Jess


As you may have noticed, Sanggar Lestari has been even more active on social media this year! We love to keep in the loop and post events, videos and facts about Indonesian Dance and Culture.

As part of our new website design by Deena, we have incorporated a 'Meet The Dancers' Section! Not only is this a great way to get to know the Lestari team better, but we've also tried to include traditional outfits from the many regions of Indonesia.

In the term 2 holidays, it was time for Lestari Girls Jess and Daniela to have their photoshoot for their member bio. It's so crazy to think that these two are now dancing with Sanggar Lestari and not Lestari Junior! I know I sound like a distant Tante at a family reunion, but I'm not even sure how time flies by so quickly! We remember them when they were little cherubs performing Tari Nandak Ganjen! *Pinches cheeks*

For the shoot, we chose costumes from North Sumatera (Batak) and the Maluku islands. The North Sumatran Costume worn by Jess is typically worn for dances including 'Tari Tor-Tor', whilst Dani's Maluku costume is used for 'Tari Lenso'.

We were lucky to collaborate with Photius to take the photos for our member bios! After a morning of getting ready together, playing board games with David (of course) and munching on some pizza it was time to get the perfect shot! After all, once you get used to wearing traditional Indonesian Costumes, you can do anything in them!

Be sure to have a peep at our member bios to see all of these incredible photos!


Photographer: Photius Drakos
Assistant: Yana Millane
Makeup & Models: Jess and Daniela
Costumes: Sanggar Lestari Melbourne
Board games: David

Thank you to our members Daniela & Jess for being the models!